He, and his Mum Emma are organising Christmas gifts to be donated to all 140 children who will be in the Children’s Wards at Christmas.
As such, I’m looking for your help to get as many Hotties for these gifts. You can sponsor one of these for just £10 or £15.
Hotties will allow the child to:

With each 2 Hottie purchases, I will also be able to supply a Nurse on the ward with a lip gel, which will help with chapped lips from constant mask wearing.
It would mean a lot to me, Aidan and Emma if you could support us and help me to donate these to the children in time for Christmas. I know things are difficult for everyone at the moment, but if you are able to sponsor one or even put a donation towards one, please consider it.
Can I just stress that there is absolutely no profit for me. Everything is being donated to the sick children and nursing staff.
Can I ask that you share this post with your friends who may be interested in donating.
If you would like to donate and purchase a Hottie, please get in touch 

Thank you in advance I really appreciate your help on this!!!